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shamanic healing, frequency 409

Balancing between Giving & Receiving

This healing technique creates a balance between giving and receiving, two complementary energies, such as left and right, masculine and feminine, positive and negative.


A healthy flow of energy creates a balance between polarities in our consciousness.



This healing is for you when...


  • You need to heal your relationship with your parents (mother or father)

  • You feel imbalance in giving or receiving between you and your partner/ boyfriend/ girlfriend.

  • You have a hard time managing your finances

  • You give to others without limits

  • You don't have clear boundaries and can't say "No" to others

  • You don't allow yourself to receive from others

  • You don't allow yourself to give to others or to yourself

  • You feel the need to please others


How to identify imbalances in your life?

Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin, when one side is not balanced, it brings imbalance onto the other side. In the body, the right side is the one that gives while the left side is the one that receives.


The right side represents the masculine energy in our lives, while the left side represents the feminine energy. We are usually affected from patterns of giving and receiving that our parents instilled in us.


When various symptoms manifest in the right side of the body, it shows patterns associated with the masculine energy in our lives. Usually it has to do with the father figure, but it can also include other male family members or our life partner. This dominant male figure in our lives has imprinted in us patterns of giving, which are ingrained in our behavior and thoughts forms.


An unbalanced right side can express states of over-giving, the need to satisfy, giving up your personal needs, and energy leakage. Therefore, you feel exhaustion, fatigue, frustration, anger, and lack of energy. Imbalance can also manifest the inverse situation: difficulty to give or not giving at all, because you fear lack or loss in your life and you are afraid to share with others the infinite abundance of the universe.


When various symptoms manifest in the left side of the body, it shows patterns associated with the feminine energy in our lives. Usually it has to do with the mother figure, but it can also include other female family members or our life partner. This dominant female figure in our lives has imprinted patterns of receiving, which are ingrained in our behavior and thoughts forms.


An unbalanced left side can express difficulty to access and being open to the universal flow of abundance in our lives at all levels, from appreciation to gifts and money. Imbalance can also manifest the inverse situation: sucking energy from others, dependency, unclear boundaries, or the desire to be around certain people from which we derive a constant flow of energy.


What are the benefits of this healing?

Imbalance in giving and receiving can block the flow of abundance into our lives, in all aspects.

Balancing between left and right, giving and receiving, male and female energies, can improve the harmonious flow of our lives. It takes us to a healthier state in which we are completely confident in the abundance that is available to us at any moment, and we feel like sharing goodness with other people.


This treatment brings balance between giving and receiving and supports the energy needed: feminine or masculine. The healing will clean your body from various physical symptoms, illness and pain. This valuable treatment releases out unnecessary patterns, keeping you clean, sharp and more balanced. Abundance in your life will flow more harmoniously.

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